From 15% to 7.5% Body Fat: How Sunny Transformed His Physique with Aesthetic Transformation Personal Training

"I had been training by myself for about a year and a half with okay results when Sasha approached me and offered to help me with my training and diet.
I thought it would be a good opportunity to step things up and decided to work with Sasha for 12 weeks and give it my best."
"Sasha designed me multiple programs and also an eating plan too, which he made small changes to every couple of weeks depending on my progress and how I was feeling."
"Although I had to go back to Japan 9 weeks into the program I can't say how happy I am with my progress.
Seeing your body change on almost a daily basis was so satisfying and I really enjoyed the whole process."
Would you like to achieve similar results to Sunny? Get in touch. I'd love to help you too.
"It was tough at the start but once I got into the habit of preparing my food and so on it became easier. I realised that if I listen to, and do exactly what Sasha says you can really change your body over a short period of time."