Stef's Success Story: How He Lost 6.6kg of Fat and Gained 2.5kg of Muscle with Aesthetic Transformation Personal Training

Stef's front view before and after their online fitness transformation, achieved with personalised c
Stef's front view before and after their online fitness transformation, achieved with personalised c
Stef's back view showing the results of their fitness transformation through Aesthetic Transformatio
Stef's back view showing the results of their fitness transformation through Aesthetic Transformatio

"Before I started with Sasha I was unsure that I could change my body as I thought I might not be able to change my eating habits."

"I knew I didn't want to have to weigh all my food and count every calorie. Sasha provided an easy-to-use method that did not require a lot of effort but gave effective results."

"Sasha really helped me to achieve my goals and with frequent check-ins made sure I stayed on track. The programme he provided for me was easy to follow with enjoyable workouts and the results were excellent."

Would you like to achieve similar results to Stef? Get in touch. I'd love to help you too.