How Dan Lost 8.3% Body Fat and Rehabilitated an Injury with Aesthetic Transformation Personal Training

Dan's front view before and after his online fitness transformation with Aesthetic Transformation.
Dan's front view before and after his online fitness transformation with Aesthetic Transformation.
Dan's side view before and after showcasing his progress through personalised online fitness coachin
Dan's side view before and after showcasing his progress through personalised online fitness coachin
Dan's back view before and after his fitness transformation, achieved with Aesthetic Transformation’
Dan's back view before and after his fitness transformation, achieved with Aesthetic Transformation’

"Initially, I spoke to Sasha about feeling fatigued all the time and having overall low energy. I always had to drag myself to the gym and was not enjoying training anymore. He suggested I get a blood test done. I was in shock when my levels came back alarmingly low."

"Through Sasha's guidance I cleaned up my diet, optimised my training and lifestyle and immediately saw dramatic results."

"This was all done through a flexible online training and habit tracking system.

I'm now spending less time in the gym and enjoying my training more than ever before whilst having variety in my workouts and all the energy I need to complete them."

"After following everything Sasha set out for me, I'm now in the best shape of my life, full of energy and confidence. This has been by far the best training program I have every done."

Would you like to achieve similar results to Dan? Get in touch. I'd love to help you too.